What does "Wealth" Mean to You?
Submitted by Generational Wealth Group | Eric Nichols | Michael Zurek on January 27th, 2023
In our client meetings, the term “wealth” is often tossed around somewhat loosely. We talk about building wealth, managing wealth, enhancing wealth, and preserving wealth as if the concepts are universally understood. But what exactly is wealth? It’s such a vague term that every person has a slightly different meaning.
Preparing for Lifetime Income in Retirement
Submitted by Generational Wealth Group | Eric Nichols | Michael Zurek on August 12th, 2022
There was a time when old retirement planning models like “the 70 percent rule” were more common. This rule stated that a retiree only needed 70% of their pre-retirement income to live comfortably in retirement. These “rules” may have worked for some retirees several decades ago but can be dangerously flawed in today’s new normal retirement.
Financial Planning for Young Professionals
Submitted by Generational Wealth Group | Eric Nichols | Michael Zurek on August 3rd, 2022
Your 20s are often seen as a true coming of age when financial responsibility opens up the possibility of turning your dreams into reality. You’re settling into life after university, paying off debts, and starting to really define who you are as a person. But with bills, rent, keeping up social appearances, and other pressures, financial planning is often pushed to the side.
Finance Lessons for Your Teen
Submitted by Generational Wealth Group | Eric Nichols | Michael Zurek on July 19th, 2022Understanding Your True Risk Tolerance
Submitted by Generational Wealth Group | Eric Nichols | Michael Zurek on July 12th, 2022
The recent stock market volatility, the bear market, the ever-growing inflation rate, and ongoing supply issues have taken a severe toll on the American psyche. For some, it has forever altered how they perceive and manage risk.
Understanding your risk tolerance is considered one of the most important elements of investing.
3 Investment Extremes to Avoid in Any Market
Submitted by Generational Wealth Group | Eric Nichols | Michael Zurek on June 14th, 2022It can be tempting to have extreme thoughts when it comes to investing. After all, public markets can increase or decrease by as much as several percentage points per day! Yet, be sure to keep calm and follow your financial plan.
Are Emotions Controlling Your Personal Finances?
Submitted by Generational Wealth Group | Eric Nichols | Michael Zurek on June 7th, 2022
If anything good has come from the last few years of uncertainty and volatility, it’s that many of us are becoming more financially literate. We’re more aware of our finances and are better at prioritizing our expenditures. We’re also more aware of how important it is to save for the future, while still enjoying the present moment.